Weekly Annoucements
Father Lee’s 20th Anniversary TODAY Sunday Feb 18th after 10a Service (Sign Up Sheet in Hallway) Quilters Tuesday Feb 20th 10a Bible Study Jesus the One & Only Resumes Tuesday Feb 20th 10a & Wednesday Feb 21st 7p Wednesday Eucharist (every Wednesday 10a communion) Social Bridge Thursday Feb 22nd 10a...
Weekly Announcements
Yoga Stretch Thursday Feb 15th 1p ($3 for St. Martin’s) Social Bridge Friday Feb 16th 10a Father Lee’s 20th Anniversary Sunday Feb 18th after 10a Service (Sign Up Sheet in Hallway) Bible Study Jesus the One & Only Resumes Tuesday Feb 20th 10a & Wednesday Feb 21st 7p Choir Practice...
Sunday Sermon
Saint Martin’s Sunday Sermon: Last Sunday after the Epiphany Father Lee on the end of the Season of Epiphany and the transfiguration of Jesus. After the transfiguration the gospels switch to a focus on Jesus’s ministry on the way to his destiny in Jerusalem. He asks us to think about...
Saint Martin’s Children’s Sermon
Saint Martin’s Children’s Service: Last Sunday after the Epiphany Father Lee gets the latest news from the children and talks about some of the changes to expect during the upcoming season of Lent. He wants the children to understand the the Lent is a time to think about what Easter...
Wednesday Sermon
Father Lee reflect on the life of Josephine Margaret Bakhita an enslaved woman from Sudan who provides hope for people who endure great suffering. She came to know God and develop a deep Christian faith, that provided comfort and sustained her through the trials of her incredible life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephine_Bakhita
Sunday Sermon
Rev Dr Sandra Levy Mix on the importance of the healing strength of God in our lives today, it is not a temporary cure so much as a permanent message of grace.
Pancake Supper Fundraiser
Tuesday Feb 13th 5 pm – 7 pm Join us for this EYC Mission Trip fundraiser
Super Bowl Party
Sunday Feb 11th at 6 pm in the Parish Hall Fun, Food, Fellowship & Football Plenty of Chili, Hot Dogs & Barbecue Bring you favorite snack food and beverages Games and Prizes