St. Martin’s Youth Group (EYC) is comprised of youth from Grades 6-12. Any youth attending St. Martin’s is welcomed to join us. The leaders and youth are thankful for the support of St. Martin’s. The fellowship, Bible Study, and Mission Trip would not be possible without the help of the many volunteers and gracious monetary contributions of everyone here. The youth are an amazing group of young people.
"My favorite part about youth group is meeting new people and strengthening friendships."
Dean, Member of EYC
Schedule & Activities
We meet twice a month after the 10:00 am church service. Lunch is served at approximately 11:30 am. Afterwards, Bible Study begins and lasts until 1:00 pm. Depending on the weather, the youth play outside games such as kickball, soccer, flag football, and softball. If we are inside, ping pong, board games, silly balloon games, or arts and crafts comprise leisure activities. The year begins on Rally Sunday in September. In addition to the regular Sunday EYC, the youth enjoy G-Force, Bowling, Christmas at Ginter Park, and an end of year Pool Party.
Youth Events
The youth are involved in many Service activities at St. Martin’s year-round, including:
- Helping oversee games for the younger children at the Fall Festival
- Participating in the Crop Walk
- Participating in the Conquer Chiari Walk
- Decorating church for Advent after Thanksgiving
- Participating in the Lessons and Carols Service
- Conducting the Feast of Lights Service
- Helping take down decorations in the Sanctuary and Parish Hall
- Folding Palm Crosses and stuff Easter Eggs with the help of the congregation
- Hiding the eggs for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday
- Fundraising through the Annual Spaghetti Supper , Fall Festival Bake Sale, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
- Participating in the EYC June Mission Trip